ISES & JRES Attendance Boundary Changes

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this boundary change being made?
What are the negative impacts of JRES being overcapacity?
- Dismissal takes 55 minutes for JRES and drop off takes 45 minutes
- First lunch is at 10:28 a.m. and last lunch ends at 1:38 p.m.
What will be the long-term enrollment forecast for JRES with this boundary change? *

What steps have been taken to date to provide enrollment relief?
Can more portables be added to accommodate additional students?
What other factors did you consider when making this decision?
In addition to adjusting boundary lines, we looked at the following factors:
- Program placement adjustments
- Transfer volunteers
- Special Education program enrollment
- Grade level enrollment
- Feeder pattern splits between Bulverde and Smithson Valley Middle Schools
- Building capacities of BBES, RBES, ISES, and KRES
- Geocoding of current JRES students
- Future development
Why was a committee not formed to recommend this boundary change?
Can students be grandfathered to stay at JRES?
Will transportation be provided to ISES?
Will my student still go to Bulverde Middle School and Pieper High School?
Will students receiving special education services be able to stay at JRES?
What is the status of the new elementary school from Bond 2023 that is supposed to relieve JRES?