Prekindergarten » FAQ's



All Pre-K FAQ

The school hours are from 7:35 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
Prekindergarten is not a mandatory program. However, if your child qualifies and is enrolled, he/she is subject to compulsory attendance law. Your child must attend school each day, Monday through Friday. Prekindergarten is a full-day program.
Yes, you can find the school calendar on the Comal ISD website by clicking here.
You may be eligible for free or reduced priced meals if you complete the required paperwork and qualify based on national guidelines and eligibility requirements. View eligibility here.

Yes, there are designated supplies for Prekindergarten. If you have any questions about school supplies please contact your child's teacher or the school they will attend.

Prekindergarten students living in the attendance zone of the school they are attending and living outside a two mile radius of the school may ride the bus to school.  Transportation is not provided to students outside of the attendance area to the centrally located campuses.

Please note that due to the limited number of spaces and capacity in each classroom, campus placement is determined by availability at the time of your completed registration process. In the event that a student’s zoned campus is full, the student may be redirected to a campus outside of their attendance zone. Each student’s campus of attendance will be confirmed once the registration process is complete. 

Curriculum for Pre-K students will follow state Pre-K guidelines for curriculum.  Students will explore a variety of themes through hands on learning activities. The daily schedule includes a rest period and outside time.
The schedule includes time for math, literacy, science, social studies, music & movement, snack, and rest time.
Rest time is built in daily for students to nap or relax with a book.
State Prekindergarten resources:  Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines
Yes, it does. To receive the full benefit of the Prekindergarten program your child needs to be here every day for their class. Once you have enrolled your child in school they are expected to attend and fall under Compulsory Attendance Law. Refer to the link below to access the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct regarding state and district attendance laws and policies.
No. After school care or SACC is not available for Pre-K students due to the fact we do not have staff after hours to accommodate 4-year-olds under the Department of Family Services.
Not every campus is a Bilingual/Dual Language campus.
The following list identifies centralized locations that offer bilingual services:
  • Arlon Seay Elementary
  • Clear Spring Elementary
  • Kinder Ranch Elementary
  • Morningside Elementary
As a reminder, students must meet criteria to be eligible for the Pre-K Bilingual/Dual Language program.
  • High quality program with certified teachers in every classroom specifically trained to work with young children
  • Curriculum is directly aligned to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Pre-K Guidelines
  • Focused on developing children academically, physically, and socially
  • Child-centered, hands-on learning
  • Full school day programming from 7:35 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.

Expected behavior on the part of each child is essential to the success of the Tuition-Based Pre-K Program. The Tuition-Based Prekindergarten Program will follow the District’s student code of conduct.

In the early childhood preschool class, we expect occasional “typical” 4-year-old behaviors. However, our expectation is that we have a safe, nurturing learning environment. Parents will be notified of any discipline issues with their children and will be advised of consequences that may result if the behavior is ongoing. If a child has ongoing behaviors that are unsafe or significantly disruptive to the learning environment, the following steps will be taken.

  1. The teacher will consult with the parents.
  2. If the behaviors do not improve, a meeting will occur with the campus administration, classroom staff, and parents. At this meeting, a plan of action, including behavior strategies and interventions, will be developed to improve the behavior outcomes for each child.
  3. If after 3 weeks of implemented intervention strategies, behavior does not improve, campus staff will meet to review the data and may recommend dismissal from the program.
  4. In the event of extremely unsafe or disruptive behavior, the campus principal may recommend removal from the program without implementing intervention strategies.

Tuition-Based FAQ

Tuition Rate 
(Yearly Rate Divided Into 10 Equal Monthly Payments)
Tuition Based PK Monthly Rate *$628/month
Comal ISD Employee Discount *$450/month

Payments are due on the 1st of the month from September - May

*Tuition may be subject to change. 

Transportation services will NOT be available for tuition supported students unless an older sibling already attends the campus where tuition-based PreK is offered and live within the campus attendance zone. After school care is not available for PreK students. 


  • Official Birth Certificate
  • Photo Identification of parent/guardian enrolling student. Acceptable forms of ID include: Driver's License, Passport, DPS Issued ID Card, or Military ID.
  • Child's Social Security number
  • Current immunization record signed by physician
  • 1 Proof of Residency in Comal ISD such as current electric bill or copy of lease. Please note that the proof must be dated within 30 days of start of school.
  • For reduced tuition rate, proof of eligibility must be presented, including Military ID, proof of income, or language-based Pre-IPT test results related to qualifier

Kindergarten and Prekindergarten Round-Up will be held in the spring for the next school year.  Families can register this week or any time through the end of the school year.  Families can also qualify and register during new student registration in August.

No. We do not take out of district transfers.
Yes. Pre-Kindergarten registration continues through the end of the school year. Families can also qualify and register during new student registration in August.

If you are qualifying for the English as a Second Language (ESL) or Bilingual program there will be an English language assessment in order to qualify. Your child will need to be at that appointment.

Please refer to the parent checklist page. All information is required. If all paperwork is not complete we cannot complete the registration process and place your child in a class.