Pre-K Programs
Pre-K Programs at Comal ISD

Eligibility Requirements
- Reside within the Comal ISD boundaries
- Are four years of age by September 1, 2025 (cannot already be 5 years old, and it is not provided to 3 year old students)
Students must also meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be unable to speak and/or comprehend the English language: or
- Be educationally disadvantaged (Qualify for free/reduced lunch); or
- Be homeless, as defined by 43 U.S.C. Section 11302; or
- Be the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States; or
- Be the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or
- Currently or ever have been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family Protective Services following an adversary hearing under Family Code 262.201; or
- Be the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as a peace officer (3106.002), firefighter (3106.003), or emergency medical first responder (3106.004).
State-Mandated Pre-K Campuses
*All Pre-K Programs require online registration. Please visit the Pre-K registration page.
Arlon Seay ElementaryClear Spring Elementary
Farias-Spitzer Elementary
Goodwin Frazier Elementary
Kinder Ranch Elementary
Morningside Elementary
Mountain Valley Elementary
Rebecca Creek Elementary
Startzville Elementary
Comal ISD’s Prekindergarten, Tuition-Based, program is a full-day program offered at select Comal ISD campuses. Tuition-Based Pre-K enrollment is selected by a lottery and enrollment does come with a monthly tuition fee. To be eligible, a child must be four years of age on or before September 1st of the current school year (cannot already be 5 years old, and it is not provided to 3 year old students).
The lottery will be open from April 14 - 25.
Tuition-based families will be notified of lottery results by May 1, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
- Reside within the Comal ISD boundaries
- Are four years of age by September 1, 2025
Tuition-Based Pre-K Campuses
- Garden Ridge Elementary
- Kinder Ranch Elementary
- Rebecca Creek Elementary
- Specht Elementary
Lottery Information
The lottery will be open from April 14 - 25.
Tuition-based families will be notified of lottery results by May 1, 2025.
- The 2025-2026 lottery will be conducted at CISD Support Services on April 29, 2025, at 10 a.m.
- No late lottery entries will be accepted after the lottery deadline closes.
- The tuition-based Pre-K lottery will be recorded in the case of any disputes.
- If you believe you may qualify for state-funded Pre-K, do not apply for the lottery. Complete regular registration first. If you do not qualify for state-funded Pre-K, you can apply for the lottery until April 26.
- Notification of tuition spots through email will take place on May 1, 2025.
- Parents will be notified of lottery results by email by 5pm on Thursday, May 1, 2025.
- Those drawn must reply to accept or decline the registration opportunity by Wednesday, May 7, 2025.
- Those not chosen in the lottery will be placed on a waitlist in the order drawn and contacted if space becomes available.
- Those accepting the opportunity to register will be sent instructions for paying the non-refundable registration fee of $125 required to hold your place in the tuition program and parent agreement.
- Registration must be completed by May 16, 2025. Complete registration includes completing the online registration form in Skyward, uploading or turning in all documents at the campus, paying the $125 non-refundable registration fee, and returning the signed Parent Agreement for Tuition-Based Pre-K.
- Registrations not completed by May 16, 2025, are considered forfeit and will be given to the next person on the waitlist.
Tuition Chart
Tuition Rate (Yearly Rate Divided Into 10 Equal Monthly Payments) |
Tuition Based PK Monthly Rate | *$628/month |
Comal ISD Employee Discount | *$450/month |
Payments are due on the 1st of the month from September - May
A $25 fee will be charged to late payments.
*Tuition may be subject to change.
Online Payment Information
Comal ISD utilizes an online payment system - Eleyo - designed to streamline payments for the Tuition-Based Prekindergarten program.
A 3.69% transaction fee will be assessed at checkout for all electronic payments.
We have created a convenient portal for families to navigate and manage their Eleyo account from any device, including your smartphone or tablet.
Ready to begin? Create or log into your Eleyo profile here.
- You can pay online with your debit or credit card (Visa, Discover, MasterCard).
- Any automatic payments from your bank or charge account must be received by the payment due date. We are not responsible for payments that are scheduled and do not reach us by the correct date.
- You can pay your tuition at the district office with a check payable to Comal ISD.
Early Childhood Special Education
Pegasus (Employee only)
The Pegasus Program is a collaborative preschool inclusion program for children of Comal ISD staff & children receiving services through an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program. The purpose of the Pegasus Program is to provide onsite preschool for children of district staff members while also providing students identified as having a disability an instructional setting in which they have the opportunity to interact with neurotypical peers. Employee children are eligible at age 3, and admissions information will be provided by the Director of Elementary Special Education once enrollment opens in the Spring.
Please reach out if you have any questions about the Tuition-Based or State-Mandated Prekindergarten Program: [email protected]