Enroll with Comal ISD's State-Mandated Pre-K Program
Step-by-Step Guide
- Create a new Skyward account
- Access the State-Mandated Pre-K tile under "New Student Enrollment"
- Complete the registration form with all required documentation
- View your application status at the top of the 24-25 Pre-K tile (Submitted, In-Progress, Denied, or if tile disappears, view enrollment under "Family Access")
*For more information regarding registration, please view our New Student Registration page or our Registration FAQ page.
Required Documents You Will Need for Registration
- Official Birth Certificate
- Photo Identification of parent/guardian enrolling student. Acceptable forms of ID include: Driver's License, Passport, DPS Issued ID Card, or Military ID.
- Childs Social Security number
- Current immunization record signed by a physician
- 1 Proof of Residency in Comal ISD such as a current electric bill or copy of the lease. Please note that the proof must be dated within 30 days of start of school.
Required Documents to Determine Eligibility for Free State-Mandated Prekindergarten
- A home language survey
- Proof that the student's score on the English oral language proficiency test is below the level designated for indicating English proficiency (determined through campus assessment)
- Documentation of the Language Proficiency Committee’s identification of the student as an English Learner
Active-duty military:
- Documentation that a district employee verified the student’s U.S. Department of Defense photo identification for children of active duty service members
- A statement of service from the installation adjutant general director of human resources for children of active members, mobilized reservists, or members of the Texas National Guard
- For children of service members who died or were killed, a copy of the death certificate using the service-appropriate DoD form or a DoD form that indicates death as the reason for the separation from service
- A copy of Purple Heart orders or citation for children of service members, mobilized reservists, or guardsmen who were wounded or injured in combat.
- Documentation that a service member is MIA for children of service members who are MIA
Foster Care:
- Verification Letter of Prekindergarten Eligibility from Department of Family Protective Services (*eligibility applies to children who are currently, or have ever been in Foster Care in Texas or another state - HB 725)
Proof of income:
- One month of current pay stubs dated within 60 days of first day of school
- Current TANF, or current SNAP eligibility letter
Star of Texas Award: resolution (certificate)