School Age Child Care (SACC) » After School Programs

After School Programs

Summer Program

The summer program is offered to incoming kinder students who will be 5 by June 2, 2025, through incoming 5th grade students and are capable of functioning independently in a group setting.
In the summer, students are provided recreational and educational activities, group games, guest presentations, field trips, indoor/outdoor play and healthy snacks in a safe and fun place to learn, play and grow.
The program operates for 9 to 10 weeks, depending on the approved CISD calendar.
Please note that we are closed on all Comal ISD student holidays.
Summer registration will open:
February 24 at 7AM through March 31 at 4PM
Monday - Friday
7:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Summer 2025 Dates:
June 2, 2025 - August 1, 2025
Closure Dates:
June 19, 2025
July 3, 2025
July 4, 2025
  • Bill Brown Elementary
  • Kinder Ranch Elementary
  • Specht Elementary
  • Garden Ridge Elementary
  • Hoffmann Lane Elementary
  • Farias-Spitzer Elementary
Once you receive notification that your application has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email and the non-refundable registration fee of $30 per student (A maximum charge of $60 per family) as well as first tuition fee (per student) will be charged to your saved payment method.
For scholarship opportunities please contact the CIS coordinator on your campus.
Tuition Rate (Per Student)
Weekly Rate Per Student
(regardless of attendance)
Military/Foster Care Discount Weekly Rate
(waived registration fee)
CISD Employee Discount Weekly Rate
Payments are due by Friday of every week
A $10 fee will be charged to late payments
*A 3.96% convenience fee is charged to all payments. It is listed as a program fee on the receipt.
Vacation Rate:
In the event that a student will be absent due to a vacation, SACC offers a discounted weekly rate of $85 to hold your student's spot in the program.
Parents/guardians must submit a vacation request at least 5 business days in advance to be considered using the Summer Vacation Form. If the vacation request is not submitted prior to the start of the vacation, full tuition will be charged.
Student's spots can be held for a maximum of two weeks, vacations do not need to be consecutive weeks, but must be a full week (Monday through Friday).
Requests for single days or partial weeks will not be accepted.

After School Program

The SACC After School Program is open to students enrolled in Comal ISD, who are in kindergarten through fifth grades and are capable of functioning independently in a group setting.
Our daily schedule varies at each campus, but we do provide homework time, academic enrichment, group games, arts and crafts, indoor/outdoor play, and snack time.
We are not currently accepting new applicants for the 2024-25 school year.
2025-26 After School program registration will open:
April 14 at 7:00 AM
Normal School Day: 3:10PM - 6:30PM
Early Release Schedule: 1:10PM - 6:30PM
*After school childcare will be closed on all Comal ISD student holidays
Once you receive notification that your application has been approved, you will receive a confirmation email and the non-refundable registration fee of $50 per student (A maximum charge of $100 per family) as well as first tuition fee (per student) will be charged to your saved payment method.
For scholarship opportunities please contact the CIS coordinator on your campus.
Tuition Rate (Per Student)
Bi-weekly Rate Per Student
(regardless of attendance)
Military/Foster Care Discount Weekly Rate
(waived registration fee)
CISD Employee Discount Weekly Rate
Payments are due by Friday of every week
A $10 fee will be charged to late payments
*A 3.96% convenience fee is charged to all payments. It is listed as a program fee on the receipt.