Bond at Work
Since 2015, Comal ISD voters have approved four school bond packages to address the district’s rapid growth and prepare schools for the future.
In May 2023, voters approved $560.6 million for the construction of three new elementary schools, a new middle school, a Life Bridges replacement campus, new buses, land acquisition and safety & security projects across the district. An additional $28 million was approved by voters to fund student technology and infrastructure.
While the May 2023 bond included proposition B for stadium expansions, this proposition did not pass.
In November 2021, voters approved $411.3 million for the construction of two new elementary schools, a new middle school, an HCCPHS replacement campus, new buses, land acquisition and infrastructure projects across the district. Also, $34.5 million was approved to fund teacher and student instructional technology.
While the November 2021 bond included propositions C and D for athletic facilities and stadium expansions, these propositions did not pass.
In May 2017, voters approved a bond package worth $263.5 million which included the construction of two new high schools – Davenport High and Pieper High – while land was purchased for future schools, additional school buses were acquired, and maintenance items were addressed at current campuses.
In May 2015, voters approved a $147.4 million bond package which included $94 million for the construction of two new middle schools – Danville Middle and Pieper Ranch Middle – and $21.3 million for technology. Additionally, campus maintenance issues such as roofing, plumbing and heating and cooling systems were addressed while safety and security projects were completed.
Bond Update