Accountability » Credit by Exam

Credit by Exam

Each year, Comal ISD administers Credit by Exam for acceleration and credit recovery for students in grades K-12.
Please click on the applicable section below for scheduling and administration information. 

Requests for Kindergarten Acceleration for the 2024-2025 school year can be made with the home campus beginning Monday, July 22. Requests must be made in writing.

The deadline to request acceleration was Tuesday, September 3.

Assessments will be administered on the student’s home campus once they arrive in the district.


testingGenerally, children are best placed at a grade level with students of their own age. However, some students of kindergarten age may already have mastered the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for kindergarten and, for this reason, are ready to go on to first grade. Acceleration by Examination for kindergarten is to allow students to advance to first grade who are not yet six years of age but are academically ready to do so. Typically, these are students who have been enrolled in a private kindergarten (accredited or non-accredited) or a homeschool arrangement.

Kindergarten acceleration opportunities will be offered only once per year. Comal ISD does not accept another district’s kindergarten acceleration testing. A student who enrolls in Comal ISD must meet Comal ISD standards if deadlines have not passed.


A student in kindergarten may be accelerated to first grade if he or she meets ALL of the following requirements in this order:

  1. The student is five (5) years of age on September 1 of the school year in which tested;
  2. The student is six years old on or before December 31 of the school year in which tested;
  3. The student is enrolled in kindergarten in the District, and the student has a 6-digit local ID number;
  4. The student’s parent or guardian initiates the request in writing within the first two weeks of school or before school starts;
  5. The parent/guardian timely files the request with the campus principal and attends a conference to discuss the request;
  6. The student scores at or above the kindergarten end-of-year expectations on the District’s early reading assessment, which is administered by campus personnel (for 24-25 the EOY RIT score expectation is 153); and
  7. The student scores at least 80 on each of the following kindergarten content area assessments (language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) through Credit by Exam. Comal ISD will purchase and administer the exams to the student.

Credit by Exam Testing Dates/Deadlines 2024-2025 School Year


Elementary and Middle School (ES/MS)

Testing Level

Applications posted to CISD website

Applications Due to campus by 4pm

Testing Dates at Campuses


ES/MS Fall Testing


September 30

October 18

November 18-22


ES/MS Spring Testing


 January 6

 January 24

February 24-28

*ES/MS Summer I Testing

April 17

May 6

Testing at CHS

June 3-4

*ES/MS Summer II Testing

April 17

May 6

Testing at SVHS

July 30-31


High School (HS)

Testing Level

Applications posted to CISD website

Applications Due to campus by 4pm

Testing Dates at Campuses

HS Fall Testing

August 23  

September 13

CLHS-October 5

PHS-October 19

SVHS-October 19

CHS-October 26

DHS-November 2

HS Spring Testing

December 2

January 10

SVHS-February 1

CHS-February 8

PHS-February 8

DHS-February 22

CLHS- March 1

*HS Summer I Testing

April 17

May 6

Testing at CHS

June 3-4

*HS Summer II Testing

April 17

May 6

Testing at SVHS

July 30-31


*ES/MS/HS Summer testing is held at one hill country campus and one in-town campus. The testing will be for two days. ES/MS testing during the school year is held at the student’s home campus.                                                                                                   


Middle School Math Advancement

Current Grade

Current Course

Requested Course

Credit by Exam Requirement


Math 5

Math 7 Academic or Honors

Math 6


Math 6

Math 8

Math 7


Math 6 Honors

Algebra I

Math 8


Math 7

Algebra I

Math 8


Math 7 Honors


Algebra I


Credit by Exam information can be found at this link:
Students enrolling in grades 1-8 for the first time in Comal ISD are eligible to request Credit by Exam for Acceleration. Students must be enrolling from an accredited school. Students must have completed the enrollment process and have a Local ID assigned to them before assessments can be ordered.  
Applications for New Enrollees have closed.
The applications for Spring 2025 have now closed. The Summer applications will be posted April 17.
Credit by Exam information can be found at this link:
NCAA Guidelines- Credit by Exam does not count towards your core classes. Consult the school counselor for more information regarding CBE testing and core courses for NCAA eligibility.