Hallway Heroes
Hallway Heroes is a Comal ISD program that encourages parents, relatives and community members to serve as positive role models on campus, while also being an extra set of eyes and ears to enhance school safety. Hallway Heroes aims to engage anyone who is interested in volunteering.
You must be approved by the district as a volunteer before you can get started. Please complete our Online Volunteer Background Check Form at least two weeks prior to the event or date needed to volunteer.
What is a Hallway Hero?
Hallway Heroes is a Comal ISD program that encourages volunteers to serve as positive role models on campus, while also being an extra set of eyes on campuses to enhance school safety. The program aims to engage family and community members to benefit our students and campuses.
Why should I consider being a Hallway Hero?
Positive role models on campus not only support our students socially and academically, but also contribute to the overall safety and security. We appreciate all of our campus volunteers, but especially our Hallway Heroes. As a Hallway Hero, you receive opportunities to be recognized by the campus and district for your support.
What would I be doing as a Hallway Hero?
As a Hallway Hero, you might...
How does the Hallway Heroes program work?
Each campus operates its own Hallway Heroes program. Generally, the campus will have a "launch" event at the start of the school year and a second event in January. At these events, you can learn more about the program on a particular campus, how signing up and scheduling works, and who the campus contact is for the program. Campuses are happy to have volunteers for as little or as much time as someone can provide. All Hallway Heroes must be approved by the district as a volunteer, before you can get started.
Additional FAQ's
Who can volunteer as a Hallway Hero?
How do I become a Hallway Hero?
What do Hallway Heroes do?
Do I have to volunteer for the full day?