Student ID Badges
As a way to increase security and efficiency on secondary campuses, Comal ISD requires all students, grades 6-12, to wear Comal ISD issued identification (ID) at all times. The student ID provides greater efficiency for students when interacting with various district services including the library, cafeteria and transportation.
Below you will find answers to frequently asked questions regarding student IDs.

Will the Student IDs be used to track students?
Students will not be tracked using the student ID. While the student ID does have a passive RFID chip, there are no readers inside the school for the purpose of identifying a student's location. In addition, the RFID chip will not be used for transactions in the library, cafeteria or nurses office. Rather, a bar code scanner - similar to those found in grocery store check out lines - will be used to scan the bar code on the front of the ID.
The only location where a RFID reader will be used is on the school bus. As students get on and off the bus, the RFID will be read by the reader and log the time and location where a student got on or off the bus. This measure has been put in place to increase the safety of students, particularly for younger students who may get off the bus at the wrong stop.
How does the RFID chip work?
The student IDs use passive RFID, which means that it does not emit any type of signal unless it comes in close proximity to a RFID reader, about 1 - 2 inches. The only readers the district uses are located on the buses to log when and where students get on and off the bus.
What information is stored on the student ID?
The only information stored on the student ID is the student number. No identifiable information such as name, grade, campus, social security number, etc, is stored on the card - either via the bar code or the RFID chip.
Who is required to wear an ID?
All secondary students, 6-12 grade, are required to wear their ID.
What is the ID used for?
IDs are used to easily identify each student, as well make campus services more efficient. For example, students will use their ID badge when checking out a book in the library, paying for their meal in the cafeteria and scanning on/off the bus.
Do students have to wear their IDs during after school hours or during extra-curricular events?
While attending school-sponsored activities, all students must carry their student ID on their person, and have it available if requested by a school or district official.
What if my child loses their ID?
All secondary students are provided their first ID card at no expense. But should the ID be lost, stolen, or damaged, a replacement must be promptly purchased for $5 from their designated school office.
Does my student have to use the district issued lanyard?
All students will receive a Comal ISD lanyard with his or her student ID. You are not required to use this lanyard and may purchase a different lanyard or ID holder of your choosing (must be appropriate for school)
The only requirement is student IDs must be visibly worn on the upper part of the body.
How do IDs make my child's campus safer?
IDs easily identify students from the district and which campuses they attend. This allows administrators and campus staff to not only identify students, but those who do not belong on campus that don't have IDs.
The student ID also allows students to be quickly identified in the event of on emergency on campus.