Prekindergarten Handbook » Prekindergarten Parent Handbook

Prekindergarten Parent Handbook

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Early Childhood Student Handbook



Table Of Contents

      Comal Vision Statement
  1. Overview of Early Childhood Programs in Comal ISD
    • Staffing
    • State-Mandated Prekindergarten
      • Qualification Criteria & Documentation
      • Program Location
      • Campus Redirection
      • Enrollment Process
    • Tuition-Based Prekindergarten
      • Qualification & Tuition
      • Registration Documentation
      • Enrollment Process
  2. Getting Ready for Prekindergarten
    • Home Schedule & Meals
    • Potty Training & Rest Time
    • Student Supply List
    • Attendance & Dress Code
    • Communication
    • Class Schedule - sample
    • Transportation
  3. Curriculum and Instruction
    • Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines
    • Prekindergarten Curriculum & Units of Study
    • Learning Centers
    • Progress Monitoring & Parent Teacher Conference
  4. Parent Engagement
    • Ready Rosie
    • Family Engagement Plan
    • Parent Volunteers/Parent Advisory

Comal ISD believes that every child deserves equitable access to high-quality education and we know the earlier the opportunity, the stronger the foundation is for future success.  Participation in a quality prekindergarten/early childhood program can change the trajectory of a child’s life and future success. 

District Map
Overview of Programs


Comal ISD follows the TEA staffing guidance regarding High-Quality Pre-K programming.  We make every attempt to maintain an average ratio in all prekindergarten classrooms of one teacher or teacher assistant for every 11 students.

Comal ISD offers full-day prekindergarten through a state-mandated (no charge) program for qualifying students residing in the Comal ISD boundaries.  We offer bilingual classrooms at select campuses for those who qualify based on a language proficiency qualification. 

Qualification Criteria State Mandated Prekindergarten (no charge) 

To be eligible for enrollment in a state-mandated prekindergarten class, a child must be at least four years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year and meet at least one of the following eligibility requirements: 

  • Is unable to speak and comprehend the English language; or 
  • Is educationally disadvantaged (which means a student is eligible to participate in the national free or reduced-price lunch program); or 
  • Is homeless; or 
  • Is the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces; or 
  • Is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or 
  • Currently or ever been in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services in Texas or any state (foster care); or 
  • Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award 

Documentation for state-mandated registration:

  • Official birth certificate 
  • Social Security number
  • Parent/guardian photo identification 
  • Proof of residency such as a deed, lease, mortgage agreement, or utility bill
  • Current immunization record signed by physician

AND one of the following:

  • Unable to speak and/or comprehend English- Based on the Home Language Survey and proof of a qualifying score on an approved oral language proficiency test.   OR
  • Economically disadvantaged- 1 month of current (within the last 2 months) paystubs, tax return, TANF or SNAP eligibility number OR
  • Homeless- At-Risk Services approval  OR
  • Foster Care- Letter from DFPS or CPS OR
  • Military- Military ID, Statement of Service, copy of Death Certificate, copy of Purple Heart Orders, or Official Letter from commander OR
  • Star of Texas Award- Resolution Certificate
Comal ISD campuses that offer full-day State-Mandated Prekindergarten programs:

Arlon Seay Elementary

ASES, BBES, JRES, and RBES attendance zones

Kinder Ranch Elementary

KRES, SES, TPES, ISES attendance zones

Clear Spring Elementary

CSES attendance zones

Morningside Elementary

MES and GRES attendance zones

Comal Creek Elementary

CCES attendance zone

Mountain Valley Elementary

MVES attendance zone

Farias-Spitzer Elementary 

FSES and FES attendance zone

Rebecca Creek Elementary

RCES attendance zone

Goodwin Frazier Elementary

GFES, HLES and OCES attendance zones

Startzville Elementary

STZES attendance zone

Four campuses offer a Dual Language classroom option for students that qualify.  Arlon Seay, Kinder Ranch, Clear Spring and Morningside Elementaries offer the program to eligible students.

Dual Language Program Locations 

(feeder campuses)

Arlon Seay ES

Kinder Ranch ES

Morningside ES

Clear Spring ES

Startzville ES

Rebecca Creek ES

Mountain Valley ES

Bill Brown ES

Johnson Ranch ES

Rahe Bulverde ES

Indian Springs ES

Specht ES

Timberwood Park ES

Comal Creek ES

Garden Ridge ES

Freiheit ES

Farias-Spitzer ES

Goodwin Frazier ES

Oak Creek ES

Hoffmann Lane ES



Campus Redirection 

Please note that due to the limited number of spaces in each classroom, campus placement is determined by availability at the time of your completed registration process.  In the event that a student’s zoned campus is full, the student may be redirected to a campus outside of their attendance zone.  Each student’s campus of attendance will be confirmed once the registration process is complete.

enrollment process
Comal ISD offers a full-day tuition-based prekindergarten program for students residing in the Comal ISD boundaries.
Qualifying for Tuition-Based Prekindergarten
To be eligible for enrollment in a tuition based prekindergarten class, a child must reside in the Comal ISD boundaries and be at least four years of age on or before September 1 of the current school year.
Due to the high interest, all tuition-based spots are determined through a lottery. Parents are required to attend one in-person parent information meeting in order for their child to be eligible and entered into the lottery. Parent meetings are typically held in late February.
Tuition-based programs for the 2024-2025 school year will be available at: 
  • Garden Ridge Elementary
  • Kinder Ranch Elementary
  • Rebecca Creek Elementary
  • Specht Elementary

Tuition Rates

Tuition Rate 

(Yearly Rate Divided Into 10 Equal Monthly Payments)

Tuition Based Monthly Rate


Comal ISD Employee Discounted Rate


Military Discounted Rate OR

State-Mandated PreK Qualifying Discounted Rate


Deposit of one month's payment is due with application and is applied towards the August tuition.

Payments are due on the 1st of the month from September - May

*Tuition may be subject to change. 

Fees are collected through the Eleyo system. Terms and Conditions: 
  • Credit/Debit card payments are due on the first day of each month. 
  • There is a $628 registration fee per child that is applied to your August tuition payment. 
  • Registration fees and tuition are non-refundable and non-transferable to another student or program. 
  • Tuition is charged monthly regardless of the number of days of attendance or school days. 
  • There is no tuition reimbursement if the child is out of school for any reason or if the student withdraws from the program before the end of the month. 
  • Parents must notify the Prekindergarten Department in writing if they withdraw the student from a tuition-based program 2 weeks before the withdrawal. Direct communication to [email protected] or call the Teaching & Learning Department at (830) 221-2163.
  •  A $25 late fee will be added to the account after the 5th day of the month.
  • The campus registrar will contact parents for past-due payments. If payments are not received by the 15th of the month, the student will be withdrawn from the tuition-based program. 

Documentation for Tuition Based Registration:

  • Official birth certificate 
  • Social Security number
  • Parent/guardian photo identification 
  • Proof of residency such as a deed, lease, mortgage agreement, or utility bill
  • Current immunization record signed by physician
tuition based enrollment process

Entering public school for the first time is exciting for many families and their children. This section will provide information on how to prepare and support your child’s transition to a prekindergarten classroom. 

Home Schedule 

Creating a home routine is one of the best ways to prepare your child to enter prekindergarten. If you don’t already, consider making your child a daily schedule at home. This will help with classroom routines. A daily routine may include song, clean-up, dance, free play, storytime, letters and math, meals, outdoor playtime, personal care, and bedtime. 


Students can either bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from the school cafeteria. Each student will have a lunch account that parents can deposit money using this website:

Lunch Money Now

Prekindergarteners are not offered chocolate milk, keeping in line with the USDA guidelines.

Families are encouraged to apply for Free and Reduced lunch using this link:

Application for Free/Reduced Lunch 

Potty Training 

Children are not required to be fully potty trained to enroll in prekindergarten. However, our classrooms are not equipped for diaper-changing routines. Students will need to wear pull-ups instead of diapers. Children are preferred to be fully potty trained before enrolling in prekindergarten. Please send your child to school in loose clothing that is easy for them to pull up/down or take on/off for unaided or minimal help for the restroom.  If your child is still in the process of mastering potty training, please follow these guidelines: 

  • Communicate your child's potty-training status to the school administrator and classroom teacher
  • Share with the teacher your child’s potty-training schedule at home
  • Send your child to school in underwear or pull-ups only. Wearing diapers slows the potty training process. Our staff is not trained or equipped for diaper changing unless your child participates in the Special Education Program 
  • Send wet wipes and an extra set of clothes in case of an accident. 
  • Our staff will guide your child to clean and change themselves in case of an accident. In some cases, staff will contact the parent/guardian to pick up their child if needed.

Rest Time 

The prekindergarten daily schedule includes a rest-time. Children this age need time to regain their energy level in order to concentrate on learning. Students are not expected to nap, but they will be expected to lie down quietly during the rest-time, so that children who are napping can rest. 

Student Supply List 

A general list of school supplies for the prekindergarten classroom will be made available on the district and school website. 

*The tuition-based program covers the cost of student supplies.


Regular attendance is essential for children's success at all levels, from prekindergarten through higher education. Prekindergarten students regularly benefit from learning classroom routines and develop healthy friendships and social skills early in the school year. Frequent tardiness and absences interfere with a child’s ability to adjust to school, often leading to frustration and behavior problems.

The Texas compulsory attendance law, [TEC §25.085(c)] TEA Compulsory Attendance, applies to children who are enrolled in prekindergarten. Under this law, parent(s) and legal guardian(s) are required to ensure the child’s regular attendance in school. Prekindergarten is not mandatory in Texas, but attendance is compulsory once your child is enrolled in the prekindergarten program. Your child must be in class and on time daily to obtain the most significant benefit from prekindergarten instruction. 

If your child is not in attendance due to illness, vacation, or other circumstances, please notify your teacher in writing or via email.

Comal ISD District Dress Code Policy

In order to promote self-care with our prekindergarteners, students are encouraged to wear clothing they can easily maneuver, especially during restroom time.  Also, footwear is an important consideration.  Boots and flip flops are discouraged as a possible hazard on playgrounds, when climbing and jumping. 


Students will utilize a daily take-home folder for communication.  There is also a weekly newsletter that informs the families of the learning happening that week and how you can continue the learning at home.  All parents are invited by the teacher via email to join ReadyRosie which provides a wealth of resources to engage your child.

Prekindergarten Daily Schedule (sample)

The following schedule illustrates recommended times and instructional content. Times and order will vary from campus to campus.Regular School Day Hours:  7:35-3:10




Activity & Routine

7:00 - 7:35


Arrival Procedures/Morning Tubs

7:35 - 7:40



7:40 - 8:15


Wash Hands & Breakfast in Cafeteria

8:15 - 8:25


Classroom restroom break

8:25 - 8:40


Morning Meeting

8:40 - 8:55


Story time

8:55 - 9:25



9:25 - 10:20


Centers and Small Group

10:20 - 10:40


Literacy Circle

10:40 - 10:50


Get ready for lunch & classroom restroom break

10:50 - 11:20



11:20 - 11:30


Classroom restroom break

11:30 - 11:45


Storytime & prepare for rest time

11:45 - 12:30


Rest time

12:30 - 12:40


Rest mat cleanup & classroom restroom break

12:40 - 1:30


Centers and small group

1:30 - 1:50


Math circle

1:50 - 2:10


Other domains (Science/Social Studies/Fine Arts/Technology)

2:10 - 2:20


Restroom Break

2:20 - 2:50



2:50 - 3:10


Closing circle, Reflections & Dismissal



Bus transportation is not provided for prekindergarten students. Parents or guardians must provide transportation to and from school, unless: 
  • a student is attending the prekindergarten program at their home campus and the student's physical address is eligible for transportation, you may qualify for transportation service. 
Bus and boundary information can be found on our district transportation website. Comal ISD Transportation Department

Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides Prekindergarten Guidelines as a means to align prekindergarten programs with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The Texas  Prekindergarten Guidelines offer detailed descriptions of expected behaviors across multiple skill domains that should be observed in four to five-year old children from the beginning to the end of their prekindergarten experience. These guidelines are organized into the following ten skills domains: 

  1. Social & Emotional Development
  2. Language & Communication
  3. Emergent Reading
  4. Emergent Writing
  5. Math
  6. Science
  7. Social Studies
  8. Fine Arts
  9. Physical Development
  10. Technology

Prekindergarten Curriculum 

Prekindergarten uses a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that integrates instruction across developmental domains and early learning disciplines and is aligned to the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. It is intentionally designed to engage students in a joyful approach to learning with high interest material, activities and plenty of opportunities to laugh and play. Comal ISD curriculum utilized in the prekindergarten classroom is SAVVAS Three Cheers, available in English and Spanish.

Units of Study - SAVVAS Three Cheers




Children will learn …

Hello School!

  • Welcome to Pre-K 
  • Classroom rules 
  • Feeling safe
  • How my school compares to schools around the world
  • that they are an important part of the school community.  
  • to express their own feelings appropriately. 

Marvelous Me!

  • Who am I? 
  • My body and senses 
  • My family and friends
  • Things that I like
  • about their preferences and the preferences of others. 
  • what makes them happy and sad. 

Look Outside

  • Fall 
  • Winter 
  • Spring 
  • Summer
  • that seasons occur all over the world.  
  • what characterizes seasons in the part of the world where they live. 

Taking Care

  • I can take care of myself 
  • I can take care of my friends and family
  • How others take care of me 
  • I can help take care of our world
  • ways to care for themselves, both physically and emotionally.  
  • ways to care for others, both physically and emotionally. 



  • Everyday helpers are all around us
  • Everyday helpers and their tools
  • Mail carriers help us
  • Firefighters help us
  • learn about the jobs people do in their  community.  
  • learn about the tools needed to do each job

From Farm to  Table

  • From the farm to the grocery store
  • How we get our food
  • All kinds of food
  • Family favorite
  • that food comes from a particular source.  
  • how plants grow and what they need to grow. 

On the Go!

  • Types of transportation 
  • Trains 
  • Trucks and planes 
  • All kinds of vehicles
  • learn about all modes of transportation,  including cars, trains, airplanes, and ships.  
  • learn the purposes of each type of vehicle.

Animals All  


  • All kinds of animals
  • Animal features
  • Animal life cycles
  • Where animals live
  • about all kinds of animals.  
  • about the characteristics of different animals. 

Earth, Moon,  

and Sky

  • All about trees
  • The sky and the wind
  • Phases of the moon
  • Space exploration
  • about the life cycle of a tree.  
  • what trees and plants need to live.

Prekindergarten Learning Centers 

Learning Centers provide a playful setting where children socially engage with both teacher and peers as they practice skills and reinforce new concepts.  Why We Have Centers: 
  • Children learn by doing.  
  • Learning centers allow for multiple techniques and methods of exploration.  All children can succeed – different levels of ability and experience can be easily accommodated.  
  • Learning centers provide opportunities for children to make choices. Choices allow individuals to match personal goals with instructional goals. Children develop decision-making ability.  
  • Learning centers support the social nature of a young child’s world. Children interact with one another, learn from each other, and discuss their experiences.  
  • Cooperation and collaboration are practiced. Children develop and enrich their oral language and vocabulary development.  
  • Learning centers allow for differentiated instruction. Match instruction to multiple intelligence profiles, learning styles, and developmental differences.  
  • Children apply what they have learned. They have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts, skills, and strategies learned in large and small groups.  
  • Learning centers support neurological timetables.

Progress Monitoring 

Comal ISD monitors prekindergarten student progress using the Commissioner Approved prekindergarten assessment instrument, CLI Engage Circle Assessment. The Circle Assessment is given four times a year. The Circle progress monitoring system is a tool that requires one-on-one assessment and enables a teacher to quickly measure a child’s progress in a particular skill area.

Parent Teacher Conferences 

Parents will meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their first assessment, this occurs at the end of the first 9 weeks.  Additional conferences may be requested as needed.


ReadyRosie is a research-based, standards-aligned, comprehensive family engagement resource that builds on parents’ knowledge. ReadyRosie harnesses the power of video modeling and mobile technology combined with collaborative workshops and professional learning to empower families and schools to work together to close the opportunity gap. Through our partnership with ReadyRosie, you will have free access to their learning website and tools. Your child’s teacher will email an invitation to activate your Free ReadyRosie account. 

Family Engagement Plan

Comal ISD welcomes parents, families and community members to be part of the educational experience for the benefit of all our students.  Working together to improve our schools will allow all students to be successful learners. Comal ISD provides opportunities for parents and families to become partners with the school in promoting the education of their children both at home and at school.

Parent Volunteer 

Parents are encouraged to volunteer at their child’s campus.  This may be to create materials used in the classroom, chaperone on field trips, read to the class, become a Hallway Hero, along with other campus opportunities.  Your involvement at your child’s campus is a great example to demonstrate teamwork in your child’s education.

All volunteers are required to complete a background check. Comal ISD Background Check

Early Childhood Parent Advisory

The Early Childhood Parent Advisory supports prekindergarten and Early Childhood Special Education parents and children in Comal ISD.  Involvement provides opportunities for parents to learn about education and outreach resources, share strategies, and help plan and volunteer at campus and district events.  Parents are invited to share feedback regarding program development and advocate for early childhood.