2025-26 New Student to Comal ISD
2025-26 School Year Registration
Documents Needed for Registration:
- A proof of residency – a mortgage or lease agreement, or a recent utility bill from the electric, gas, water, or cable company. This document must be current, dated within 30 days of registration. If you do not own or rent the residence where you live, complete a notarized Residency Statement and upload it with other documents
- An immunization record from your previous school or family doctor
- An unofficial transcript or report card from your previous school
- Your child’s birth certificate
- Parents must provide proof of identity and custody papers (if required)
Immunization records must be uploaded to Skyward for the following:
New student enrollment
7th grade entry (must have Tdap and MCV4 vaccines)
Kindergarten entry (Boosters must have been given on/after age 4)
Instructions for New Student Registration in Skyward
- If you haven't done so, you will need to request a Skyward account. After you submit this information, you should receive an email from COMAL ISD with a username and a link to reset the password and set up your account.
- Open Skyward and choose the New Student Registration option. When the dashboard opens, choose the KG-12 New Student tile to begin. If you’re looking to register for the Pre-K program, click on the Pre-K New Student tile for eligibility requirements and to begin registration.
- Skyward will lead you, step-by-step, through the registration process.
- After completing registration in Skyward, secondary students (grades 6-12) will meet with their campus counselor to create a personalized schedule.
Registration for each student will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. If you have multiple students, register one student at a time. Some information will be shared on the record for each of your students.
Please note that the mobile Skyward app is not recommended to be used for registration. We encourage registering using your computer and web browser.
You will NOT receive a message stating that your registration is being processed. When your registration form is approved by the campus, "Family Access" in Skyward will appear in the drop down next to the house icon, and you will see your student's name, the current school year (2025-26) and the campus where they are enrolled, which means the registration was approved.
If "Family Access" does not appear, click on the drop down next to the house icon and select New Student Registration. The tile to the far right will either say "Submitted" (waiting for the campus to review) or "Denied." If the tile says "denied," click on it and to review a message from the campus explaining what may be missing.