The Transportation Pass (T-Pass), issued to grade levels Pre-K-5, allows students to easily scan on and off of the school bus, where previously students were accounted for manually by his or her driver. This will allow transportation personnel and administrators the ability to locate where students were picked up and dropped off in the case of an emergency.
Below are frequently asked questions regarding the T-Pass and how it is used. For additional questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 830-885-9800.

What is the T-Pass and who is issued one?
How does the T-Pass work?
Where does my child keep their T-Pass?
What happens if my child forgets to scan their T-Pass?
What happens if my child gets on or off at the wrong stop?
My child lost their T-Pass, how do I get a replacement?
What does the T-Pass look like?
Will secondary students (6-12) receive a T-Pass?